Who we are is

what we stand for.

A Call to Action-

Where We Engage

Collage Style Megaphone
Collage Style Megaphone

Constraints on Nonprofit Sustainability

INIE continues demanding greater accountability for decreased funding; burdensome paperwork; irrational regulations.

Threats to Capacity Building

We work against actions that hamper the nonprofit sector's effectiveness in terms of organization and financial stability, program quality, and growth; limits on professional development; the overhead myth.

Restrictions on Nonprofit Participation

INIE works against diminishing the full and equal participation of nonprofits in dialogues affecting their communities and constituents.

Other Instances

INIE will work on behalf of issues outside of the scope of our established Advocacy Principles if proposed by a member or multiple members and approved by a majority of INIE’s board.


Nonprofits are the voice of the people they serve and have higher visibility and a better understanding of the people they serve and their communities. Nonprofits provide services and benefits not provided by businesses and governments, including career and job training, education, day care, elder services and so much more.

That’s why our team at INIE is committed to the following causes:

Collage Style Fist in air
Collage Style Performers Microphone